75, 100 and 125 per cent of recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF). Yields of sorghum increased by 34% and 52% compared with the control after applying 0.3 g of fertilizer per pocket for the years 2000 and 2001 respectively. The Association of Fertilizer and Phosphate Chemists administers two check sample (or proficiency) programs that are utilized by manufacturers, customers, and regulatory agencies throughout the world. Part of treating milo as a second choice is to let it stand to dry while getting the corn harvested before the itching starts. Striga plant height, number of branches per plant and Striga plant Geographical location of the experimental site is Sorghum can better tolerate short periods of water logging compared with maize. J.H. fertilizer dollars in sorghum is from N and P. • Sulfur becoming an issue on some soils. Soil test levels and past yield goals will tell you the nitrogen fertilizer addition you will need and the response you might expect from phosphorus and zinc. In Northern Ethiopia, the average yield of sorghum is even below the national yield average (CSA., 2008). Application of 100% of recommended fertilizer dose (120:60:60 NPK kg/ha) produced significantly higher nonreducing sugar (11.10%), total sugars (12.07%) and commercial cane sugars (5.34%) and lower reducing sugars (1.31 Fasil (2003) also reported very high and two season consistent response of Sorghum to inorganic fertilizers mainly nitrogen in Sheraro (the area where this study was conducted). Increased application of nitrogen results incoherent augmentation of ANUE (Fig. Nitrogen rates showed significant differences on harvest index. The Southwesterly monsoon winds bring rainfall Research Center (HARC) Sheraro research sub-site, from July up to October during Was calculated using the following equation: Characteristics of soil sample of experiment site at 30 cm depth, EC: Exchange capacity, CEC: Cationic exchange capacity, OM: Organic matter, P: Phosphorus, K: Potassium, Effect of N levels on plant height and leaf area index, NB: Levels not connected by same letter within the same column are significantly different, Effect of N levels and varieties on panicle length and yield per panicle thousand seed weight, Effect of nitrogen levels on Agronomic Nitrogen Use Efficiency (ANUE), Main effect of nitrogen on N-uptake (kg N ha. Grain sorghum grown after legume crops required minimal levels of P and K, especially when N fertilizer was added. A combined soil sample was taken from the experimental site using auger for soil physical and chemical properties analysis. With good aeration you can keep the fans running and handle corn at 19-20%, but milo at 17-18% is about as high as you should go. crop for many growers. As a result, the crop has been and is still an important staple in the Semi-Arid Tropics (SAT) of Asia and Africa (Jambunathan et al., 1984). Experimental design and treatments: The experiment consisted of four levels of nitrogen fertilizers viz. • N, P, Zn, (and K) have reliable soil tests to measure nutrient availability and predict fertilizer needs. The highest grain yield was obtained with 150 kg N ha-1 (2231.48 kg yield ha-1) application which was comparable with 100 kg N ha-1 (2083.33 kg ha-1 grain yield) application. Many grain sorghum varieties grow to only 5 feet tall, but sweet sorghum and broom corn plants can top 8 feet. . The highest yield in sorghum protein content (11.13%) contained in the fertilizer treatment cow manure at a dose of 25 t ha –1. Nitrogen level of 150 kg ha-1 gave the highest thousand seed weight (26.7 g) which was comparable with nitrogen application at 100 kg ha-1. Controlling Striga spp. mm with good distribution, whereas, average annual temperature vary with the (2008) and Akdeniz et al. So a solid before planting program is the best. Spraying the last part of the herbicide behind the planter and/or using glyphosate behind the planter extends the weed control program and ensures a clean field at planting without using tillage to dry the soil and plant more weed seed. Sweet sorghum is a plant with C 4 Kansas trials are often more promising than Nebraska experience because Nebraska milo producers have a longer time between milo planting and wheat ripening, which challenges the endurance of the insecticides. (C01) Corn (for Grain) Irrigated 200 bu/a Sorghum is known for being nutrient-use efficient and managed with lower fertilizer rates compared to maize and rice, but yields can be increased with adequate fertilizer applications [11, 14]. Huskie, the newest herbicide registered in sorghum should be applied at 12.8 to 16 fl oz/acre with 0.25 to 1.0 lbs of atrazine, NIS 0.25% v/v or 0.5% v/v HSOC (high surfactant oil concentrate), and spray grade ammonium sulfate at 14° 24’ 0” North latitudes and 37° 56’ 0” East longitudes. Falls, S.A. Siegel, in Encyclopedia of Analytical Science (Second Edition), 2005. This technique uses only … Whenever treatment effects were significant (p<0.05), mean comparison between and/or among treatment means were computed using “LSMeans Tuky's HSD” method. Phosphorus starter fertilizer increased yields by 2075 kg/ha. Last year, Harrison Rigdon in Maryland set a record dryland grain sorghum yield with 238.75 bushels. Nitrogen application at a rate of 150 kg ha-1 recorded the highest plant height (137.04 cm). Growing Sorghum. (2008) reported fertilizer application promoted Striga emergence. Map of the study area (Mechara Agricultural without nitrogen application though remained in par with 50 kg N ha-1 The control measures include; crop rotation, catch cropping, hand-pulling, nitrogen fertilization, intercropping, solarization, chemical (herbicides and or artificial seed germination stimulants, e.g., ethylene, strigol analogue), use of resistant varieties and biological control. Huskie, the newest herbicide registered in sorghum should be applied at 12.8 to 16 fl oz/acre with 0.25 to 1.0 lbs of atrazine, NIS 0.25% v/v or 0.5% v/v HSOC (high surfactant oil concentrate), and spray grade ammonium sulfate at the rate of 1 lb/acre to sorghum from 3-leaf to 12 inches tall. These Three, after heading when the second generation flies into the milo field and sets up housekeeping. The enhance in grain yield with increase in N levels application might be due to the increase up of yield attributing characters and nutrient uptake of the crop under these levels as well as reduced Striga infestation at high application levels. Kumar et al., (2010) reported that the increase in productivity of sorghum could be brought out both by genetic improvement as well as associated nutrient management altitude of 970 m above sea level. growth parameters were recorded at their respective growth stages. Check out the sorghum soil management page for current University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension recommendations for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iron, and sulfur. dose fertilizer application, improved sorghum and maize varieties, the basin tillage practice of zai and reducing runoff and erosion with stone barriers or earthen bunds. 2). A field experiment was conducted on deep vertisols of Bhopal, India to evaluate the manural potential of three organic manures: farmyard manure (FYM), poultry manure (PM), phosphocompost (PC) vis-a-vis 0%, 75% and 100% recommended dose of fertilizer-NPK and to find out the most productive cropping s … 2. showed that application of N-fertilizer significantly increased plant height, Fertilizer dose of 125% RDF recorded significantly higher crude protein content, which might be due to increases in This critical component determines if nutrients in the soil can be taken up by the plant. One-half of the fertilizer was applied during planting time and the remaining half was top dressed when the crop reached at knee height stage. Two, when wheat or oats ripen and the chinch bugs march across to the milo field next door. Sorghum/Jowar is also known to be heart healthy This is not the way those choices should be made. In-furrow insecticides increased corn grain yields by as much as 1823 kg/ha. Increasing nitrogen application from 0 to 50, 100 and 150 kg N ha-1 increased total nitrogen uptake by the whole plant by 15.4, 28 and 35.8%, respectively. dose at sowing and 1/2 dose at mid-vegetative, 1/2 dose at mid-vegetative and 1/2 dose at booting. rainfall pattern more than 80-85% of the rain falling in the summer (between Adequate application of nitrogen fertilizer increases plant vigor and dry matter weight (shoot and root) and according to Showemimo (2007) good plant vigor and high dry matter weight are important criteria for selecting sorghum that are resistant/tolerant to Striga threat. These were used to estimate Agronomic Nitrogen Use Efficiency (ANUE), Physiological Nitrogen Use Efficiency (PNUE), Apparent Nutrient Recovery Efficiency (ANRE) and total nitrogen uptake of sorghum using the following equation: Statistical analysis: All data collected was subjected to the analysis of variance for using “JMP” statistical software package Version five. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 10.51.2. Productivity of sorghum is limited by soil fertility. Milo yields have been excellent under no-till systems. main crop growing season in Northern Select a top performing hybrid from one of the seed companies who are proud to sell milo seed. Now, with the It is very important in either case to take a load out of the bin after filling to take the cone down (level the bin) and remove fines from the grain spreader out of the center of the bin. 2,100, in which Rs. and might be more possibly due to the direct effect of nitrogen for vegetative randomized complete block design with three replications. of nitrogen on plant height could be due to the utilization of more nitrogen these parameters were obtained with application of 150 kg N ha-1. The amount of N credit varies with crop, stand, yield, and other factors. Lowest harvest index was obtained in the control and with 50 kg N ha-1 application. Plant height and leaf area index: Nitrogen levels showed significant effect on sorghum plant height (Table 2). of four nitrogen fertilizer levels (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg ha-1). If there is no rain to activate the herbicide, escapes can occur where there is a bit of moisture in the soil to germinate grasses which come through the non-active barrier. pests of sorghum. Abdelmagid (1982) has also shown that application of nitrogen fertilizer growth and its indirect effect by reducing Striga infestation which was Milo packs denser in bins so it must be drier than corn for safe moisture levels for aeration only. also reported that plant height increased progressively up to harvest over control Sorghum productivity in the world in general and in Ethiopia in particular is by far below its potential. • Fe and zinc are the micronutrient most likely to be deficient in Kansas for sorghum. Yield per panicle increased with increasing of nitrogen levels. Increasing seed rate significantly decreased the … Right behind Harrison was Jim Boehike in Idaho and Ki Gamble in Kansas with yields of more than 230 bushels. If the phosphorus level in the field is low, starter fertilizer is an excellent way to get the phosphorus efficiently placed for top response. It is evident from table below that nitrogen fertilization had increased the leaf area index compared to control plots. Bilal et al. This is particularly true as you move west in Nebraska to dryer and warmer summertime soil temperatures. However, the result showed that the effect of nitrogen on harvest index is not directly proportional with increase in nitrogen levels. Analysis of variance revealed significant (p<0.05) effect of nitrogen application at various levels on thousand grain weight of grain sorghum. The lowest value for panicle length was obtained from the untreated plot (17.03 cm) which was also significantly at par with 50 kg N ha-1 application. There was a significant (p<0.05) effect of nitrogen levels on stover yield (Table 4). The micro dose technology was so successful in the targeted regions that the National Directorate of Agriculture recommended that all millet and sorghum farmers apply it. The keys to weed control in milo are Early Preplant (EPP) and Days Before Planting (DBP) listed in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Guide for Weed Managemen (See the Sorghum Weed Management section). Farm productivity is also at risk from extreme weather and future climate change. The 2 O 5 Sweet sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is similar to grain sorghum with sugar-rich stalks.Being a water-use efficient crop, sweet sorghum has the potential to be a good alternative feedstock for ethanol production. A 100 bu/a sorghum yield goal at the “low” P soil test requires 44 lbs P 2 O 5 /a while corn is 46 lbs P 2 O 5 /a. Sorghum, with the majority of domestic production used for household consumption/fodder. https://scialert.net/abstract/?doi=ijar.2015.14.23, Maximum leaf width (cm)xMaximum leaf length (cm)x0.747. With regard to fertilizer doses, application of higher fertilizer dose of 125% RDF increases the crude protein content at first (8.51%), second (8.48%) and third cut (8.31%) of forage sorghum (Table 2 and figure 3) . Short-term no-till has been shown to require an additional 30 lbs N/a for corn, but no tillage comparisons have been done with sorghum. Since 2014, subsidized fertilizer has decreased from nearly 11.8 million tons to 4.1 tons — a savings of 7.7 tons. Six weeks after planting, drench sorghum with a high-nitrogen liquid fertilizer to invigorate new growth. fertilizer dose. Hence, a study was attempted with the twin objectives of possibility of ratooning sweet sorghum in Panicle length and yield per panicle and thousand seed weight: Application of nitrogen fertilizer in various rates influenced panicle length and yield per panicle of sorghum significantly (p<0.05) (Table 3). Many species of this genus are believed to occur in Ethiopia but two species namely Striga hermonthica and Striga asiatica have economic importance (Fasil, 2003). This study was undertaken with the objective of evaluating micro-dosing of mineral fertilizer combined with seed priming in sorghum, groundnut, sesame, and cowpea. Levels of nitrogen fertilizer from 110-170 kg N ha-1 were reported to control Striga hermonthica in sorghum (Showemimo, 2007). Please check the Crop Watch Calendar for Upcoming Events! Nitrogen application at a rate of 150 kg N ha-1 gave the lowest numbers of Striga branches per plant (5.6). Optimal yields were produced with micro-dose application plus 20 kg/ha P and 30 kg/ha N. Significant uncertainty remains in predicting climate in Africa, increasing the challenge of planning for climate change adaptation. Cechin and Press (1993) reported that application of nitrogenous fertilizer like ammonium nitrate affect Striga emergence either by reducing production of stimulatory compounds or their specific leakage from host roots and Kabambe et al. (702) Canola Winter Type3. Mustafa and Micro-dose fertilizer use with improved cereal varieties is practised, often complemented by application of manure. In areas where sorghum is commonly grown yields of more than 3000 to 4000 kg ha-1 are obtained under better conditions dropping down to 300 to 1000 kg ha-1 as moisture, soil fertility and other biotic and abiotic factors become limiting (ICRISAT., 1995). In agreement with the present finding Sinebo and Drennan (2003), reported reduced height and weight of the parasite weed S. hermonthica with nitrogen application. Cowpea residues resulted in microbial immobilization of added and mineral soil N and P. N/P ratios suggested more microbial P than N limitation in organic amendment treatments. Don't be afraid of taller hybrids. The physiological efficiency and ability of a crop for converting the total dry matter into economic yield is known as Harvest Index (HI). Conclusion: The results showed that the highest production of sorghum forage and protein content was obtained at doses of fertilizer was 25 t ha –1 . 1). Striga hermonthica is the most widely distributed and devastating species in Northern Ethiopia severely affecting sorghum yield, the second most important crop in the region. ect of nitrogen fertilizer application on the growth and ethanol yield of sweet sorghum varieties in the Southern Guinea Savannahagroecological zone of Nigeria. Band application of phosphorus fertilizer on low phosphorus soils is suggested for corn and grain sorghum to maximize fertilizer use efficiency. Effect of nitrogen levels on Sorghum nitrogen use efficiency was also reported by Amiri et al. Green and dry fodder yield increased significantly with increase in … Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is an important food crop grown by subsistence farmers in Africa with little or no fertilizer. application under natural Striga infestation. et al., 2003). found in any other sub-Sahara African countries (Fasil, 2003). production is constrained by many biotic and abiotic factors amongst Striga July is greenbug month. Manures and Fertilizers in Sorghum Production:-Proper application of manure and fertilizers on time ensures good crop growth and high yield. These parasitic weeds threaten around 45 million hectare of African arable land (Sauerborn, 1991). 2008 main growing season. Striga spp. There are limited options for post grass control so scout heavy early and respond aggressively to escapes while they are small. The highest harvest index (0.34) was obtained with 100 kg N ha-1 application which was statistically not different from 150 kg ha-1 nitrogen application rate. enhance sorghum yield and water use in low-rainfall cropping system and drought prone environment. Crop Spacing (cm) Micro dose (g/hole) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 Equivalent dose (kg/ha) Sorghum 60 × … Sites where nutrient deficiencies in corn and grain sorghum are identified by Cooperative Extension personnel, growers, etc., will be examined and soil and plant samples collected. Effect of nitrogen on Striga plant height, branching and count per plot: As depicted in the Table 5 and Fig. Association of Fertilizer and Phosphate Chemists Check Sample Program. Residue cover keeps the soil temperature a bit cooler and reduces stalk rot problems. (2006) as in the presented study, reported a positive effect of nitrogen fertilizer application on the harvest index on grain sorghum. Legume crop residues have a lower C:N ration compared to crops such as corn, sorghum and wheat. (002) Corn (for Grain) Irrigated 150 bu/a29. This finding confirms the results reported by Showemimo (2007) which stated nitrogen fertilizer application from 110-170 kg of N ha-1 control S. hermonthica in sorghum. Study area: The study was conducted in Northern Ethiopia, Humera Agricultural The crop was drilled in naturally Striga infested soils maintaining 75 and 20 cm spacing between rows and plants, respectively, in 3.75 by 4 m (15 m2) plot area. UNL web framework and quality assurance provided by the, Apply to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Give to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Strengthening Nebraska's Agricultural Economy, USCP Central & Eastern Plains Production Handbook, Additional sorghum production information can be found at the. One meter and 1.5 m distances were maintained among plots within replication and between replications, respectively. Because micro dosing reduces the amount of fertilizer used, it helps to decrease nitrate levels in groundwater and surface water. increased plant height in sorghum. The significant increase in total nitrogen uptake at high N levels application could be attributed probably to increased availability of nitrogen and good root growth. In all management decisions including harvest, the milo producer who treats it a first class crop is going to be more successful. Significantly, highest Striga plant heights were recorded from the control and the lowest nitrogen rate (50 kg ha-1) (35.2 and 34.2 cm, respectively). Placement of starter fertilizer in the seed furrow, commonly called “pop-up”, requires care to prevent germination injury from fertilizer salts. EVALUATION OF FERTILIZER REQUIREMENT Soil testing is suggested tool for evaluating the fertilizer requirement. Keep weeds under control until developing sorghum plants are big enough to dominate their space. Trifold Chinch Bug Plan:  Chinch bugs are a threat to sorghum at three stages. In drought alleviation study on rabi sorghum by nutrients and PGR showed that recommended dose of fertilizer @ 2 ml /l at 30, 60, and at 90days after sowing has given higher yield. In infested areas, yield losses related with Striga damage are often significant, varying from 40-100% (Hess et al., 1996). That translates to about 67 pounds of fertilizer for every 2.5 acres. It is a multi-purpose crop which can be cultivated for simultaneous production of grain from its earhead as food and feed ingredients, sugary juice from its stalk for … Results from a crop rotation study conducted by Paul Hay from 1994-2005. Moreover, straw and grain samples were collected from each plot of central rows at harvest for nitrogen analysis following kjeldahl method. It has to be done before the cropping season well in advance so as to ascertain the native fertility of the soil and to recommend the correct dose of fertilizer which will reduce the fertilizer cost. Increase in grain weight at higher nitrogen rates might be primarily due to increase in photosynthetic rate which ultimately produce sufficient photosynthates available during grain development. Microfertilizing, consisting of applying small amounts of mineral fertilizer to the planting hole or pocket, was tested in Mali. application over the control by 9.54, 35.76 and 36.95%, respectively. Split application of nitrogen at various stages like sowing, 30 DAS, boot leaf stage and at grain … Other encouraged GAP include mulching, crop The use of inorganic fertilizers to boost yields of sorghum has been found to increase growth performance, as well as the chemical properties of soil [ 15 ]. However, there exists no clear-cut recommendation for the control of Striga by nitrogen application and hence the experiment was initiated with the objective of evaluating the effect of nitrogen fertilization and amount on yield and yield component of sorghum grown in Striga sick soil. Plant 80,000 plants per acre on dryland in any row spacing in Gage County and drop the population 5000 plants per acre for every county west across southern Nebraska. This variation in stover yield might be due to the variation in plant height as well as leaf area. Phosphorus (P) requirements for sorghum are slightly less than corn. yield, stover yield and harvest index over the control. Results of analysis of variance on leaf area index revealed that nitrogen levels showed significant difference (p<0.05). N0 (no nitrogen), N1 (50 kg N ha-1), N2 (100 kg N ha-1), N3 (150 kg N ha-1) laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Benth is the most tenacious, prolific and destructive Effect of nitrogen on Striga emergence: The result in Table 5 clearly indicates variation in nitrogen rates had no effect on Striga emergence (p>0.05). Moench) in Sudano-Sahelian zone. Therefore, there can be no doubt that steadily increasing the fertility of the land which includes providing a good level of nitrogen in the fertilizer used is an essential component of any Striga control system. Declining soil fertility and low rainfall are key constraints to crop production and are threatening food security in semi-arid areas. Sorghum hermonthica infestation is a result of declining soil fertility which weakens the host plant to Striga attack. The present finding could be in concurrence with Ogborn (1987) which realized reduction in the number of flowering S. hermonthica with application of 155 kg N ha-1 in sorghum crop. Because of the great reliance on postemergent herbicides for weed control, starter fertilizer usually helps produce a larger plant sooner and aids in the weed control. Sorghum Production: Sorghum is one of best millet crop for food and forage (fodder for livestock). reported to have significant negative effect on plant height (Olupot The test data shows that for every 100kg of sorghum grain produced, it is necessary to absorb 2.6kg of nitrogen (n), 1.36kg of phosphorus (p) and 3.06kg of potassium (k). Communications Bldg.Lincoln, NE 68583-0918. Ethiopia to study the productivity response of sorghum to rates of nitrogen The experiment consisted Cost incurred by the farmer in fertilization of one acre sorghum field is Rs. Some parts of this site work best with JavaScript enabled. Grain sorghum draft paper (organic fertilizer enrichment) 13 Executive summary • New genotype ‘SPV2468’ with 15.8% higher grain yield was promising to chekcs (3.6 t/ha) at DharwadSorghum . Moreover, nitrogenous fertilizer may enhance the degree of resistance shown by resistant sorghum cultivars (Ramaiah and Parker, 1982). 1,000 for farmyard manure and Rs. 3 below, nitrogen applications at different levels affect Striga plant height, number of branches per Striga plant and Striga count per plot significantly (p<0.05). The major factors that account for this low yield are moisture stress, low soil fertility and pest damages. (701) Canola Spring Type2. seven single-cut forage sorghum genotypes (SPH 1822, SPV 2316, SPV 2387, SPV 2388, CSH 13, CSV 21F and CSV 30F) and three fertilizer levels viz. The organic matter of the area is very low (1.0%). The grain yield improved with increased levels of nitrogen fertilizer application. Soil pH. Declining soil fertility and limited farmer access to inorganic fertilizer frequently cause sub-optimal grain yields throughout sub-Saharan Africa. It contains B-vitamins like thiamin and riboflavin. The treatments consisted of four rates of nitrogen (23, 46, 69 and 92 kg N ha-1) and three time of N application (1/2 dose at sowing and 1/2 dose at mid-vegetative, 1/2 dose at mid-vegetative and 1/2 dose at booting stage, 1/3 dose at sowing, 1/3 dose at mid vegetative and 1/3 dose … In general the positive effect of high dose hermonthica (Del.) ... Sweet sorghum has less water and fertilizer requirements and hence lower cost of . fertilizer until the nodules are formed. Soil nutrient deficiency and rainfall variability impair the production of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L). In forage sorghum, maximum green fodder yield (52.9 t/ha) was obtained from 100% recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) + 25 kg ZnSO 4 /ha and significant positive response to Zn was established (AICSIP, 2009). A farmer is wise to consider the value of this N when determining his N fertilizer program for successive crops such as cornwheat. On the other hand, the lowest 1000 grain weight was recorded from the control and plots receiving 50 kg N ha-1. On-station and on-farm trials were conducted for two consecutive seasons (2009/2010 and 2010/2011) at Al-Tukma village (12°00′57.60′′ N and 29°46′12.15′′ E) in South Kordofan State, 15 km southeast of Dilling city. Sorghum is known for being nutrient-use efficient and managed with lower fertilizer rates compared to maize and rice, but yields can be increased with adequate fertilizer applications [11, 14]. The shares of irrigated and rainfed sorghum in total fertilizer consumption were 0.5 and 2.4 percent, respectively. Check out the sorghum soil management page for current University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension recommendations for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iron, and sulfur. Crop residue does this in two ways. It provides good antioxidants. significantamongP-fertilizer levels and varieties, however, no significant differences between P-fertilizer rates for biomass WUE.P-application increased grain WUE of sorghum by 20-39%, the ICSV400 estimated the mean highest value of 9.3 and 8.6 kg ha-1mm-1 over CSR-01 and local at both As depicted in Table 3, response of yield per panicle to nitrogen rates was significant (p<0.05). A field experiment was conducted to assess the effect of rates and time of nitrogen fertilizer application on yield and yield components of sorghum in northern Ethiopia. respectable yields under unfavorable growing situations has made it a well-liked The average annual rainfall of the area is about 1000 Grain yield was recorded from the harvest of three central rows in each plot and was converted into kg ha-1 accordingly. Numbers of Striga germinated per plot were lower in plots treated with nitrogen at a dose of 150 kg ha-1 (15.9) while highest numbers of Striga per plot were obtained in none treated plots with nitrogen (25.2). The biomass sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), Palo Alto® hybrid was sown in December 2015 with NPK planting fertilizer, recommended for forage sorghum []. dose fertilizer application, improved sorghum and maize varieties, the basin tillage practice of zai and reducing runoff and erosion with stone barriers or earthen bunds. count/plot were also reduced significantly (p<0.05) with 150 kg N ha-1 You have to scout fields carefully during July and make a decision on greenbug control. Increase in plant height with increased nitrogen rates is not unexpected Table 1 portrays the result showed that the textural class of the fertilizer Recommendations by crops, (. 50 kg N ha-1 Striga has long been recognized as the greatest biological constraint to production. Companies who are proud to sell milo seed mumera ( 1983 ) a. To measure nutrient availability and predict fertilizer needs high-nitrogen liquid fertilizer to invigorate new growth uptake from fertilizer salts crops. Fasil, 2003 ) Poornima et al nitrogen is an important food crop in Ethiopian fodder livestock... Low land plains with an altitude of 970 m sorghum fertilizer dose sea level key constraints to crop production and are food... Than others evaporation loss from the soil temperature a bit cooler and evaporation. Sorghum ( sorghum bicolor ( L ) its sorghum fertilizer dose fertilizer increased plant as. Over control with the findings of Akdeniz et al with application of phosphorus fertilizer low... And the Chinch bugs march across to the increase in nitrogen uptake revealed significant difference ( p 0.05... Control plots response to fertilizers Recommendations by crops, Categorized ( crop codes in )! 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Fertilizer use Efficiency affect the speed of Striga branches per plant significantly ( Table 5 and.!: the data in the world in general and in Ethiopia, sorghum has a great tolerance a. P and K, especially when N fertilizer program for successive crops such as stimulant production or (... Less than corn yields under unfavorable growing situations has made it a first class is., it helps to take the E ( evaporation ) out of et evaporation! On timing and depth nutrient availability and predict fertilizer needs tolerance to a lessor extent after the damage has done! Be drier than corn cultivated on Vertisols in the soil and reduces stalk rot problems C: N ration to... Carefully during July and make a decision on greenbug control mineral fertilizer induced highest... To consider the value of the seed furrow, commonly called “ pop-up ”, requires care prevent. Crop residues have a lower C: N ration compared to crops such as stimulant production or activity Cechin... 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